Showing posts with label Galeri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galeri. Show all posts

The Golden Sun

The Golden Sun In the summer, a lot of forest fires and the resulting haze all day, in an atmosphere of discomfort we can still enjoy the beauty of the su...

Luwing, Kaki Seribu

Luwing, Kaki Seribu Luwing atau kaki seribu adalah hewan herbivora termasuk dalam klas Diplopoda, dengan jumlah spesies mencapai 10 ribuan. Luwing juga termasu...

Smiling Moon

Smiling Moon

24 Ramadhan 1435 H.

24 Ramadhan 1435 H. Selamat Idul Fitri 1435 H. maaf lahir batin taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum

How To Train Your Dragon Worm

How To Train Your Dragon Worm

Bunga Putri Malu

Bunga Putri Malu   Bunga Putri Malu ( Mimosa pudica )

Yellow Dragonfly

Yellow Dragonfly Kamera Nikon D3100 Lensa AF-S 18-55 mm Filter Macro Raynox M250 Manual focus

Prinia familiaris

Prinia familiaris Prinia familiaris , prenjak, cinenen, ciblek, cici, kecici, murai

Stingless Bee

Stingless Bee Stingless bee ( kelulut), a type of non- stinging bees , the honey -producing animals . Living in groups , like making nests around t...




Smile Who is not familiar with smile icon , usually yellow . The tennis ball turns out to be transformed into a green icon smile , w...

Selesai Ujian

Selesai Ujian Dengan belajar siap menghadapi ujian. Dengan ujian semoga mendapatkan pelajaran berharga. Selesai ujian, siap menghadapi ujian sel...

Tanpa Warna Hijau

Tanpa Warna Hijau

22 Jumadil Awwal 1435

22 Jumadil Awwal 1435

Golden Sunrise

Golden Sunrise Golden sun visible in the morning when the clouds and fog and dew cover . This momentary appearance should be preserved b...

Setetes Hello Kitty

Setetes Hello Kitty

Sang Laba-Laba dan Si Hijau Daun

Sang Laba-Laba dan Si Hijau Daun

Anggerek Cattleya

Anggerek Cattleya

Karamunting dan Bunga Rumput Liar

Karamunting dan Bunga Rumput Liar Karamunting ( Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) Bulir bunga rumput liar


Kuntul Kuntul Lokasi : Muara Sawasi Bati-Bati Tanah Laut Kalsel

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